Friday, December 02, 2005

The little lights aren't twinkling, Clark...

So Mr. P and I decided we would put up Christmas lights up outside this year. He adamantly refused to put any up on the house as he is completely afraid of heights; however, he agreed to lights on bushes and on the porch columns.

It was our first such experience.........................and our last. The whole experience sucked. It rained (yeah, that's safe) and some of the lights didn't work. So we now have one lit bush and two lit porch columns....and that's it.

This would be okay, if I didn't live in a neighborhood full of Clark Griswold-wannabes. Our neighborhood association even has a decorating competition! And we have got some folks that REALLY want to win the 25 bucks. Lights of every color and blow up snowmen and santas. One house even has this whole tropical thing going with a palm tree, dolphin and Santa being pulled by a gaggle of pink flamingoes whose skinny pink legs light up. (gaggle? flock? flamingoes? flamingi?)

Whatever. I don't care.

But maybe I will get a nice big pre-lit wreath to hang above the garage....

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