Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Now it's time for the breakdown*

Well, of course, I am supposed to be studying, but I just had to write up this week's AI redux...I finally got around to watching last week's as well. Yeah, I am behind, what of it? Don't judge. But I will not bore you with my opinions of last week's ep. Needless to say, I am thrilled that Anwar has finally left the building! YAY! Way to go, America.

As for this week's show, all I can say is that the performances, overall, were subpar. I found myself agreeing with Simon more this week than I have the rest of the season. It was kind of frightening for me. Anyway, here it is, what you have been waiting for (Chuck!), Kelly P's thoughts on AI:

Carrie started the show with "When God Fearin' Women Get the Blues." She looked cute in her little cowboy shirt, but didn't seem to want to move around a lot for fear of getting her stick-straight hair caught in her lipstick. I thought the performance was really pretty good. I liked the song and she seemed really comfortable with it. It was twangy and country and cute. I think I liked it way more than the judges did. And I laughed my ass off when Simon said he didn't understand "this kind of music" - and then chalked it up to the fact that he's English. HA!

I believe next was my FAVORITE PERFORMANCE OF THE WEEK: Bo Bice with "I Don't Wanna Be." I agreed with Simon that the Lenny Kravitz sunglasses had to go. But, damn, if that boy can't work a mic stand! He is a very sexy rocker-guy. The song was perfect for him. He had great pitch and great stage presence. HE is the only rocker in this competition. Plus, I LOVE the fact that (being that I am a band director's wife) Bo ALWAYS acknowledges his back-up musicians. That is the sign of a true performer: respect for your accompanists. YAY for Bo - he is back!!!!

My LEAST FAVORITE PERFORMANCE OF THE WEEK: HANDS DOWN - Constantine Margoulis with "How You Remind Me." Robin has a similarly scathing review of his performance over at her blog - check it out. It was wretched....just wretched. As Simon said (hee hee), he did a much better job with his more "croon-y" songs - songs that are more legit and less rock 'n' roll and made the point that, when he left his band to be on AI, he went over to the "light side." Right on, Simon! The song sucked. I can't even put into words how truly bad it was. Terrible vocals and not much better performance.

The last three performances were really just kind of okay:

My usual favorite, Vonzell Solomon, performed "I Turn to You," a Christina Aguilera song. Okay, anytime anyone attempts X-tina, I get a little worried. And in Baby V's case, I was right. I thought the whole thing was on shaky grounds, pitch-wise. She looked lovely, as usual, and has amazing stage presence, but I really think she needs to stick with more uptempo songs. Both Randy and Paula thought the performance was just wonderful, but Simon's comment was not near as glowing. He said something to the effect of: It is really loud in here and hard for the judges to hear in the auditorium and that he thinks that the performance was not near as good, vocally, as they thought - i.e. it had pitch issues and seemed to be on the verge of flatness the whole song. And he was right. (Robin agrees with me here as well!) But I still love her, and can't wait to see what she will sing next week.

Anthony Federov sang "I Surrender" which I found out was a Celine Dion song. No idea. It was really pretty. The guy has a lovely voice and is very cute. BUT, Simon nailed it last week when he called him "insipid." Perfect. He is insipid and kind of sickly-sweet. But he really does have a great voice...especially at the top of his range. Very very talented....but I just don't think he is going to be the next American Idol. I don't know.

The show closed with Scott Savol....yep, never the best way to end a show. He sang "Dance with My Father." I think that was the name of the song - a supremely depressing, weepy song about someone's dad who died. Okay, as someone whose dad died, I can appreciate the sentiments of the song....but damn, what a freakin' downer of a song. I think that for next week, to make up for the absolute buzz kill of a song, he should be forced to sing "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"...just a thought. Oh, and the performance was okay. Kind of boring...kind of sad. But okay.

Bottom three tonight: Scott, Constantine (god I hope so), and Anthony. With Scott hitting the road...b/c I know that the women of America will not vote Constantine off as they think he is hot...or they have a thing with "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" of the two.

That's all - KP OUT!

*"Never gonna get it, never gonna get it, never gonna get it, never gonna get it, never gonna get it, never gonna get it, never gonna get it...never get it..." En Vogue

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