Thursday, April 14, 2005

You're right. It's wrong to destroy literature. It's such fun to read....and Mo-lay really pumps my nads.*

Thanks to E.Spat for the blog chain letter. Now I actually have to think...damn.

1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be saved?
First off, I love Fahrenheit 451. I read it in Mrs. Poffenbarger's 8th grade literature class. Yes, that was her name. And, needless to say, she was only there one year. I think the book was a bit controversial for a small town central Illinois junior high school! As someone who has loved to read her WHOLE life (no kidding, I started reading at two), this book scared the shit out of me. Okay, to answer the question. This is easy. No question about it. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. This is probably my all-time favorite novel. I read it every year, and when I was teaching, would suggest it to all of my students!

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Yep...two of them. First, from Anne of Green Gables: Gilbert Blythe. It could have been b/c, in the movie version, the actor who played him, Jonathan Crombie, was adorable. He was smart and funny and sweet and I loved him. Second, from Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Mr. Darcy. Okay, okay - again, it could be b/c of the movie - I mean, who didn't love Colin Firth's portrayal of this wonderful character.

3. The last book you purchased?
The last book I purchased, besides an Evidence hornbook which should not count, because goodness knows I am NOT reading it for pleasure, was The Daily Show's America the Book: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy. The last audio book I purchased was James Patterson's Honeymoon. (Gimme a break, people, I spend three hours in the car everyday - I need something to keep me awake!)

4. What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading law textbooks, just finished Prep, and am getting ready to start Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. It is kind of a Da Vinci Code type of book, only better. Here's a blurb about it from Amazon. Of course, this might have to wait until after finals. Damn those pesky tests! EDIT: Kel reminded me that I am also currently reading The Purpose-Driven Life. Duh. Sorry!

5. Five books you would take to a deserted island?
Okay, this is a toughie. Five books...five books....
(1) Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
(2) Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
(3) Take the Cannoli by Sarah Vowell
Both of these are books that never get boring. I could read them again and again and still find them freaking high-larious.
(4) The Testament by John Grisham
I know, a Grisham book - seems rather cliche. But, first off, this is my favorite Grisham book and I have read it and listened to it a zillion times. And second, there are some useful tips for what to do if you get stranded somewhere!!!
(5) Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
Okay, I probably should have picked the Bible, or An Idiot's Guide to be Stranded on a Deserted Island, or something practical, but I could NOT be stuck on a deserted island w/o the original chick lit novel!

From what I understand, I have to pass this on to three people or else I will be doomed forever (thank you, E.Spat), so I choose: Amanda, Robin, and Kelly. Have fun, ladies!!!! :)

*Judd Nelson as "John Bender," The Breakfast Club

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